One in every hundred

A programme dealing with the lives of retarded children. Filmed in Canada for Intertel. Produced by Richard de la Mare. Directed by Maurice Hatton.

“…it diminished our ignorance.” Robert Ottaway, Daily Sketch. June 9.

“…compulsive and socially valuable use of the television screen.” The Times. June 9.

“There was some brilliant film, including unforgettable shots of retarded couples dancing.” Maurice Richardson, The Observer. June 12.

Tony Sandy of West Ham, a retarded child who has benefitted from home life.

The Men in Black

A Rediffusion production for the International Television Federation, whose aims are to obtain greater international understanding through television. A searching inquiry into the priesthood in Ireland. Produced by Richard de la Mare. Directed by Geoffrey Hughes.

“…a worthy contribution to Intertel….” Norman Hare, Daily Telegraph. April 28.

“…provided a wide-ranging study of the current position in the priesthood in Ireland.” The Times. April 28.

“The Intertel programmes produced by Rediffusion are generally objective and fair… last night was a typically detached and considered survey of the Irish Catholic priesthood.” Mary Crozier, The Guardian. April 28.

“…a sympathetic survey of the Irish priesthood.” John Woodforde, Sunday Telegraph. May 1.

Scenes from the ordination ceremony of young priests at the Holy Cross College, Dublin.

H.M.S. Eagle

A filmed documentary depicting the way of life on board an aircraft carrier. Produced by Richard de la Mare. Directed by Charlie Squires.

“The life on a modern aircraft carrier, in Rediffusion’s excellent documentary ‘Warship Eagle’ last night. seemed easy and attractive to my husband.” Nancy Banks-Smith, The Sun. July 14.

“…first-rate photography and a crisp commentary….” The Times. July 14.

“…topicality gave ‘Warship Eagle’ an extra edge.” Philip Purser, Sunday Telegraph. July 17.

On the flight deck of H.M.S. Eagle. The director, Charles Squires, was presented with a Golden Star Award for his work on this programme and a cheque for £1,000 [£19,000 in 2019, allowing for inflation] at the company’s annual general meeting.